ANR Graduate+


The ARTS Institute is holding a project of a Graduate school « Graduate + » which is funded by a state financial support managed by the ANR in accordance with France 2030 listed « ANR-21-SFRI-001 ».


The ARTS Institute is the result of a SFRI national call for project agreed in April 2022 to strengthen international attractivity as well as articulation between research and training.

Axes and objectives

International: Reinforcing internationalisation and openness to the world

  • Encouraging the development of international master’s/doctorate degrees
  • Internationalising the Master’s degree trainings
  • Facilitating student mobilities (incoming and outgoing)
  • Strentghening the international networking of students and pedagogical teams.

Research: Encouraging the integration of research within training

  • Reinforcing the presence of researchers in the trainings
  • Attracting the best students to research
  • Fostering the vocations for research
  • Enriching the training offer by interdisciplinary courses.

Pedagogy: Enriching the training profiles by pedagogical diversification and innovation.

  • Enhancing the academic trainings towards the socio-economic world
  • Assisting student integration
  • Fostering student corporate spirit.

In total, the Graduate + project receives a EUR 13M financial support and goes to June 2029. 
Being part of a group of 15 thematic graduate schools, ARTS is the only project held by the Jean Monnet University and the only one in Arts, Letters and Humanities.

Range of objectives by the Graduate school ARTS

  • Reinforcing research for Master’s and Doctorate degrees but also the articulation between bachelor’s/master’s and master’s/doctorate degrees.
  • Increasing international openness for Master’s and Doctorate degrees
  • Developing professional integration relying on the ARTS Institute’s dynamics.

The mobilised means will be the following :

  • Enriching the existing Master’s degrees offer (new training courses, internationalisation…)
  • Giving study and internship scholarships, helping mobility.
  • Setting up a pre-doctorate school year 
  • Supporting the Doctorate degrees being relevant to the scientific development strategy of the ARTS Institute.

Eligible trainings for the scholarships

Involved research laboratories

ARTS project’s team

The Body of Governance of this project relies on a steering committee consistent with the ANR criteria. Some of its members come from the ARTS Institute authority.

Logos Graduate+ ARTS