Master research internships – Internships in Labs


This scheme to support long-term research internships is in addition to the Master Research Internships – stage en institution culturelle  of Graduate+ ARTS.

Objectives of this grant

The aim of this support scheme is to encourage long-term research internships (from 6 weeks to 6 months) in a research laboratory within the Graduate+ ARTS programme.

In order to attract the best students to research and to stimulate vocations for research, Graduate+ ARTS pays for internships in the research laboratories within its scope.

Eligibility criteria

Duly registered student at the UJM within the eligibility scope of the Graduate initiative plan.

Location and subject of internship

The internship proposal comes from the laboratory and is defined by a teacher-researcher who will specify the research work and the desired period. It must be approved by the laboratory Director.

Payment terms

A total of 21 months’ internship grant will be distributed to enable these internships to take place.

Internships may take place on a continuous or discontinuous basis, according to a timetable to be agreed between the intern and the person in charge of the internship.

4.35/hour in accordance with the regulations in force for the remuneration of more than two month internships in France (i.e. approximately €650/month in full-time equivalent).

Once the application has been accepted, a placement agreement is signed between the student, the research laboratory and the tutor.


  • The campaign will be open during this 2nd semester for an internship taking place during the 2025-2026 academic year.

How to apply

Application file to be submitted on the Adullact platform (link to come):

  • CV
  • Cover letter specifying the subject of the research thesis envisaged
    Letter of support from the tutor
  • Letter of support from the tutor

Selection process

  • The applications will be selected and ranked by the application examination committee, composed of the master’s supervisors of the G+ scope and the Directors of the Graduate+ ARTS.
  • The commission ensures that special situations are taken into account (disability, social criteria, first generation at university, etc.).

Award criteria

  • Criterion 1: Academic excellence (60%)
  • Criterion 2: Academic training, link with research (20%)
  • Criterion 3: Motivations and interpersonal skills (20 %)