Immersive concert

Immersive concertSOUND LANDSCAPES & ANIMAL MODELS in contemporary music composition

Concert organised as part of BioAcoustics Winter School by Pr Nicolas Mathevon (ENES laboratory), January, the 11th, 2023.

The concert will be composed of three parts :

- an electroacoustic creation by Laurent Pottier (professor of musicology at the Eclla laboratory) presenting spatialized soundscapes combining recordings of animal sounds that he has made in nature and recordings made on various continents by the research teams of Professor Nicolas Mathevon;

- a live coding performance by Matteo Olivo, a doctoral student at the Eclla laboratory, who will address the theme of the soundscape;

- three instrumental and mixed pieces performed by musicians from the Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain: two pieces by Pascale Jakubowski, professor of composition at the CRR: Migration de la Belle-Dame, for violin and electroacoustic environment; Sur la lune Deux cils gris, for clarinet; and the clarinet solo from Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor Pour la fin du temps.

For more informations