The governance


The ARTS Institute is co-directed by Anne Damon-Guillot, professor of ethnomusicology (Eclla) and Zoé Schweitzer, professor of comparative literature (Ihrim).

It is administered by a management committee. The activity is led by a steering committee and carried out by an international scientific council.

The management committee

The management committee defines the development strategy of the ARTS Institute.

It is made up of the directors of the consortium member establishments (or their representatives):

  • Université Jean Monnet :
    UJM president : Florent Pigeon
    Co-directors of the ARTS Institute : Anne Damon-Guillot et Zoé Schweitzer
  • École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne :
    Director : Cédric Libert 
  • École Supérieure d’Art Dramatique / École de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne :
    Director : Benoît Lambert
  • Cité du design / École Supérieure d’Art et de Design :
    Director of the Cité du design and l’ESADSE : Éric Jourdan
  • Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de Saint-Étienne :
    Director : Aurélie Voltz
  • Pôle muséal de Saint-Étienne :
    Director : Marie-Caroline Janand

The steering committee

The steering committee is an operational committee whose mission is to implement the overall strategy of the ARTS Institute validated by the Steering Committee.

It is composed of :

  • Anne Damon-Guillot et Zoé Schweitzer, co-directors of the ARTS Institute
  • Masters supervisors :
    _ UJM :
    •  Master Arts Representative : Céline Cadaureille
    •  Head of Master Design : Christophe Bardin
    •  Head of the Geomatics master’s degree : Virginie Chasles et Jérémie Riquier
    •  Head of the master’s degree Forms and tools of survey in sociology : Ahmed Boubeker
    •  Head of the Master of Arts : Delphine Reguig

    _ ENSASE :
    •  Head of the Transitions master’s degree : Frédéric Bonnet
    •  Head of the master’s degree in Forms – Arts/Architecture – Cultures – Techniques : Pierre-Albert Perrillat

  • Directors of studies :
    _ Director of Studies, École de la Comédie : Duniemu Bourobou
    _ Assistant Director, ESADSE : Magali Coué
  • Laboratory managers :
    _ ECLLA : Anolga Rodionoff
    _ IHRIM: Delphine Reguig
    _ EVS-Isthme : Michel Depeyre
    _ Centre Max Weber : Gaëlle Clavandier
    _ LEM-Cercor : Thierry Pécout
    _ Triangle : Valérie Sala-Pala
    _ HiSoMa : Florence Garambois-Vasquez
    _ Architectures et transformations : Silvana Segapeli
  • Research directors :
    _ A representative of the Esadse Research Council
    _ Head of the scientific department of MAMC+ : Alexandre Quoi
    _ Director of the Museum Center : Marie-Caroline Janand

Members of the steering committee can be represented.

The international scientific council

Made up of 4 recognized figures in the academic fields of arts and culture, this committee exercises an advisory role on the scientific and educational strategy of the ARTS Institute.

It is composed of :

The governance of the Graduate plus ARTS funded by the ANR Graduate PLUS

See the composition of the Steering Committee