TransformForEurope (T4EU)


Jean Monnet university Saint-Etienne affiliates with the European university Transform4Europe

During its executive board meeting on November 9, 2022, in Saarbrücken (Germany), the European University Transform4Europe formalized its affiliation with Jean Monnet University Saint-Étienne (UJM) which joined the consortium as a full member, alongside the Catholic University of Portugal, and the University of Primorska in Slovenia. Mariupol State University in Ukraine is also hosted as an associated institution.

Transform 4 europe

By joining Transform4Europe, UJM affirms its European perspective, paving the way for new sustainable cooperation in training and research.

Transform4Europe, part of the second wave of European universities labeled in 2020, initially brought together 7 members:

  • Saarland University in Germany (coordinating institution),
  • Silesia University in Katowice (Poland),
  • Alicante University (Spain),
  • Trieste University (Italy),
  • Sofia University “St.  Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria),
  • Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (Lithuania)
  • and The Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn (Estonia).

The expansion of Transform4Europe is a result of European Commission’s fourth call for proposals to support European university alliances. The project, which has been submitted in January 2023 by the Transform4Europe consortium, aims at integrating new establishments, but moreover, introducing a new organization and increasing collaboration between members with shared objectives.

Link to the website

Meeting with the delegation of the university of Silesia

On Thursday, April 6, 2023, the ARTS Institute welcomed a delegation from the University of Katowice, in the presence of Alain Trouillet, Vice-President for Training and International Relations of the Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Étienne.
As a founding member of the European alliance Transform4Europe, the multidisciplinary University of Katowice brings together 21,000 students registered in 8 faculties and 83 programs. It is located in the Silesia region of Poland and spread over four campuses.

The delegation was composed of:

  • Dariusz LASKA – Vice-Chancellor for Development and Cooperation with Economics at the University of Silesia;
  • Katarzyna MARCOL – Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences;
  • Magdalena SZYNDLER –  Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences for Science and Artistic Creativity, Director of the Institute of Musical Arts;
  • Adrian ROBAK – Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences;
  • Stefan LECHWAR – Director of the Institute of Plastic Arts, Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences;
  • Robert PYKA – Director of the House of the City of Saint-Etienne in Katowice and Professor of Sociology at the University of Silesia;
  • Jacek NOWAK – Deputy Director of the Office for Cooperation with Economics, University of Silesia.

These members could discover the missions and activities of the ARTS Institute presented by Zoé Schweitzer, co-director of the institute. Conversely, they were given the opportunity to present the specificities and projects of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences which is located in Cieszyn, 80 km south of Katowice, on the border with the Czech Republic.

Constructive and enriching, this meeting made it possible to identify many points of convergence between the two institutions, a promising source of multiple collaboration opportunities.

Meeting - April 6, 2023 - Saint-Étienne
Meeting – April 6, 2023 – Saint-Étienne

To go further

Download the presentation powerpoint of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences and the Institute of Fine Arts within it.

Visit the website of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences of the University of Silesia.