Collaborations with cultural institutions


ARTS is based on long-standing collaborations between the university/schools and cultural institutions (museums, art centres, archives, libraries, art scenes) in the field of research, training, creation and promotion. For exemple :

Digitisation and valorisation of collections

  • Viva Arts project: valorisation of the Paul Martial collection of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Saint-Étienne, and of the Siemens-Val company collection of the Museum of Art and Industry (CIEREC, 2011-2017).
  • Heritage and territories: memories of work in Roannais with the Joseph Déchelette Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology in Roanne (Eclla / EVS-ISTHME (2018-)
  • Valorisation of the archives and current events of the art centre Le Creux de l’enfer (Eclla, 2020-)
  • Participation in the scientific committee of the Casino Archives project led by the Saint-Étienne Municipal Archives.

Exhibition curator

  • Exhibition Coup de pub au MAMC+, by Anne-Céline Callens (CIEREC, 2019)
  • Exhibition Après l’école at MAMC+, Young artists “artpress” Biennial (ESAD, 2020)
  • Exhibition Saint-Étienne, grammaire de formes at the Mine Museum, by Marie-Caroline Janand (Museum) and Danièle Méaux (Eclla, 2021)

Research support

  • Symposium “Mediating the artist’s book in the library”, in partnership with the Jean Laude Library of the Museum of Moderne and Contemporary Art (Eclla, 2021)
  • Nine days on “Critical discourse in art and design”, echoing the Après l’école exhibition at Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, organised by the Cité du design and the College of Art and Design (Design and creation research unit, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, the Archives de la critique d’art and Art press, 2020/2021)
  • Seminar “Le passage au dessin”, at the occasion of the exhibition of Léa Belooussovitch and Eric Manigaud at Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art organised by Anne Favier and Alexandre Quoi (Eclla, 2021).
  • Research/Creation meeting, Toutes des sorcières! around the show Le Monde renversé by the Marthe collective with former students of the Theater school la Comédie (Ihrim, 2019).
  • Small theatrical forms: Le freak, c’est chic (2019): This show, directed by Olivier Martin-Salvan and performed by the students of Promotion 30 of the Theater school la Comédie, was organised as part of the 50th anniversary of Jean Monnet University.
  • Exhibition on Marc Michel Rey, Un libraire dans l’Europe des Lumières, at the Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon (Ihrim, 2018)

Training / mediation

  • Pedagogical partnership around the Robert Morris exhibition at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (UJM Visual Arts Department, 2020)
  • Cephalopod Prize in partnership with the gallery Les Limbes since 2016 (UJM Visual Arts Department; ESADSE)

Valorisation / transmission

  • Participation in the preparation of the exhibition Les rubans de l’intime at the Museum of Art and Industry (in 2021)

Since its creation in 2019, ARTS intends to pursue, enhance and accompany this dynamic.