Call for proposals for a 3 years doctoral contract (2025-2028).
Deadline : 15 May 2025
ARTS Institute
ARTS (Arts, Research, Territories, Knowledge) was born from the desire of the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne to develop a research and training dynamic about the arts and the societal, territorial, ethical and political questions they raise, in their own way, enlightened by a historical and epistemological approach.
ARTS is based on an original association between the Jean Monnet University, the art schools of the Lyon – Saint-Étienne area (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne, École Supérieure d’Art et Design, École de la Comédie) and cultural institutions (Cité du design, Comédie de Saint-Étienne, Musée d’Art moderne et contemporain, Musée d’Art et d’industrie, Musée de la Mine). The consortium thus formed, resolutely open, is built on an ambition of academic and cultural influence.
The scientific direction is ensured by Anne Damon-Guillot, Professor of Ethnomusicology (UJM / ECLLA Laboratory) and Zoé Schweitzer, Comparative Literature Profesor (UJM / IHRIM Laboratory)
Scientific axes of the Institute
Multidisciplinary and unifying, in accordance with its acronym – arts, research, territory, knowledge, – the ARTS Institute proposes a scientific project that considers doing so at the crossroads of theory and practice, questioning territories through the prism of the traces and memories they draw, within an epistemological reflection that is always attentive to the part of the construction of knowledge and representations. The creative gesture, past or present and without disciplinary exclusion, is thus at the heart of his concerns.
The ARTS Institute is based on the articulation of fields of creation and research, represented by the members of its consortium: design, architecture, theatre, visual arts, digital arts, music, literature. They are considered both as practices and as objects of research and knowledge, in the light of the art sciences, the humanities and social sciences, and the relations between the arts and sciences.
To address these scientific issues, the Institute is organized around four axes, voluntarily open and complementary, in touch with current research and creation, which combine artistic issues and aesthetic questions with the concerns of the humanities and social sciences in a critical and reflective approach. These four axes aim to federate but also to encourage the ideas and projects of the Institute’s members and partners
Inhabiting, Representing, Imagining
“Inhabiting, Representing, Imagining” scientific axis is dedicated to the different ways of inhabiting (and being inhabited by) spaces, times and works. Digital ubiquity, ecological upheavals and intercultural hybridizations of today renew the aesthetic, ethical and social approaches and issues of this question. The work of artists and researchers highlights the different ways, singular or collective, both material and immaterial, of conceiving and organising our presence in the world, to ourselves and to others, of constructing our relationship to our heritage and to the present time as well as anticipating, to the point of utopia, the ways of living-together to come.
Keywords : landscapes, construction, cultural heritage
Art, Childhood, Territory
The “Art, Childhood, Territory” scientific axis questions the intersection of art and childhood through the prism of creation and the young public: it is a matter of questioning the proposals and commitments of artists as much as the mediation mechanisms put in place. Based on the model of childhood studies, while not ignoring the historical dimension, this axis wishes to favour multidisciplinarity in order to better understand the societal, aesthetic and political issues that affect projects associating art and childhood, in terms of rights (cultural rights and children’s rights), territories (in particular those, like Saint-Etienne, marked by popular education), inclusion and interculturality.
Keywords : young audiences, writing, mediation, education
Arts X Sciences
The “Arts x Sciences” axis wishes, on the one hand, to shed light on and analyze the relationships that the arts and sciences have maintained in the past in order to better denounce the stereotype of a supposed ancillarity of the arts vis-à-vis the sciences or the prejudice of the uselessness of the artist in the face of the necessity of the scholar. The challenge is, on the other hand, to understand the major changes brought about for creation by the contemporary digital and technological revolution in that it modifies our imaginations and our relationships with the world.
The axis thus encourages projects that study these relationships, old or past, and supports exchanges between arts and sciences, guarantors of knowledge and creativity, through research and creation actions. Past or present, these exchanges between specialists in the arts and sciences, theorists and practitioners, as well as the experiments undertaken, also allow us to take a distanced look at our methods and our disciplinary protocols and invite us to imagine new approaches.
Keywords: crossovers, complexity, experimentation
Creation, Training, Research
The “Creation, Training, Research” axis is conceived as a reflective and methodological axis that accompanies and supports the emergence of a Graduate School within ARTS. Its pedagogical innovations, whether it wil be the actions carried out with the support of the SFRI GRADUATE+ project labelled by the ANR, the setting up of a transversal preparatory year for the PhD in the arts or the Arts/Sciences scholarships, are conducive to a critical and dynamic reflection on the current challenges of a training of excellence in the arts based on openness and multidisciplinarity and aimed at developing niche training.
Keywords: innovation, collaboration, methods, pedagogy
Call for proposals
Eligibility criteria
- The thesis project of the candidate will be intended to cross disciplines or approaches, in the field of the arts, whatever they may be. It will be part of the themes and axes of the ARTS Institute.
- Hold a master’s degree or equivalent with a minimum grade of 14/20 in the final dissertation;
- Quality of the research project and articulation with the scientific positioning of the ARTS Institute
- First registration for a thesis in 2025-2026
Recruitment process
An initial selection is made on the basis of an application and then, for the selected, an audition by a committee is planned.
Your application
- Detailed CV ;
- Thesis project : 4 to 6 typed pages (excluding bibliography) ; the project will demonstrate its adequacy with one or more of the themes and axes of the ARTS Institute.
- Opinion of the prospective thesis supervisor;
- Opinion of the Master’s thesis supervisor;
- Copy of the Master’s degree or document signed by the thesis supervisor attesting to the estimated date of the defense;
- Master 1 and Master 2 transcripts;
- If applicable, digital version of the Master’s thesis.
Composition of the selection committee
- Director of the research unit ECLLA
- Delphine Reguig, Saint-Etienne site Director of the IHRIM laboratory
- Michel Depeyre, Saint-Etienne site Director of the EVS laboratory
- Gaëlle Clavandier, Deputy Director of the Centre Max Weber
- Bénédicte Durand, Scientific Director of the Graduate+ Lyon Saint-Etienne
- Philippe Meunier, Director of the ED 3LA 483
- Bruno Milly, Director of the ED SHS 484
- Anne Damon-Guillot, Codirector of the Graduate+ ARTS
- Zoé Schweitzer, Codirector of the Graduate+ ARTS
Conditions of implementation
- Status: Doctoral contract (Public law contract for a period of 3 years, in accordance with the decree 2009-464 du 23-4-2009)
- Amount of remuneration (as of 01/01/2025): Gross remuneration (2300 € a month)
- Doctoral schools for subscription : ED3LA 483 or EDSHS 484 depending on the targeted doctoral degree
- Institution of Registration : Université Jean Monnet, Thesis supervisor’s home laboratory. The thesis must be supervised by an HDR lecturer or a University Professor attached to a laboratory within the scope of the Graduate + ARTS.
Call for application publication : February 2025
Application Deadline : 15 May 2025
Auditions by the committee : second half of June 2025
The recruitment will then be validated by the doctoral school of registration.